"Reading is to the Mind, what Exercise is to Body"

PTE Reading Tips & Tricks Complete Guide - 2024

PTE Reading Tips & Tricks Complete Guide - 2024

The Pearson Test of English (PTE) Reading section is important for individuals undertaking the Pearson Test of English. This segment is a crucial measure of one's comprehension of written English. Excelling in this part of the test is important for success in the overall examination. In this blog post, My Edtek Partner provides valuable tips, tricks, and strategies tailored specifically for beginners. We aim to ease your journey towards achieving excellence in the PTE Reading section. Let's delve into the complete guide and explore how to improve your reading skills to attain your desired results.

Best 10 PTE Reading Tips

In The PTE Reading section, it is essential to use effective strategies and techniques. Below are some valuable tips to help you guide through the reading tasks with confidence and efficiency.

1. Understand the Question Types. Familiarise yourself with the different question types in the PTE Reading section, such as multiple choice, reorder paragraphs, and fill in the blanks. Knowing the question types will help you approach them more effectively during the exam.

2. Read Quickly. Practice reading quickly to catch the main idea (skimming) and find specific details (scanning) in the passage. It saves time.
Focus on Keywords. Pay attention to important words in the questions. These words give you clues about what the question is asking. By finding these words in the passage, you can locate the answers more easily.

3. Manage Your Time. Allocate your time wisely during the exam. Set aside enough time to read each passage carefully and answer all the questions, but also be mindful not to spend too much time on any one question. Keep track of time and move on if you are stuck on a question.

4. Practice is key to improving your reading skills. Take regular practice tests to familiarize yourself with the format of the exam and identify areas where you need to improve. Make use of online resources and practice materials to hone your skills. For instance, you can try India's 1st AI-powered Free online PTE Mock Test with Instant Results available at My Edtek Partner This innovative tool provides instant feedback to help you track your progress and focus on areas that need more attention.

5. Learn New Words. Work on learning new words to understand passages better. Read different topics to learn more words.

6. Use context clues. Utilise context clues to help you understand unfamiliar words or phrases in the passage. Pay attention to the surrounding words and sentences to infer the word's meaning based on how it is used in the text.

7. Stay Focused. Avoid distractions during the exam.

8. Review Your Answers. Before submitting your answers, take a few moments to review them and ensure that you have not made any careless mistakes. Double-check your responses to make sure they are accurate. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

9. Stay calm and confident. Finally, stay calm and confident during the exam. Trust in your preparation and skills, and approach each question with a positive mindset. Take deep breaths if you start feeling nervous and remember to stay focused on the task at hand.

PTE Reading Section - Question Formats

The PTE Reading section presents candidates with various question formats designed to assess their reading comprehension skills. Here are the common question formats in the PTE Reading section.

1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Candidates are provided with a passage followed by a question and several answer options. They must select the correct answer from the options provided.

2. Reorder Paragraphs

In this question type, candidates are presented with a jumbled set of paragraphs from a passage. They must rearrange the paragraphs to form a readable and logical sequence. This format tests candidates' understanding of the organization and structure of the passage.

3. Fill in the Blanks

In the Fill in the Blanks question format, candidates read a passage where some words or phrases are missing. Their task is to choose the right words or phrases from a list provided to complete the blanks in the passage. This format evaluates candidates' vocabulary and grammar skills.

4. Multiple Answers

Candidates are presented with a statement or question followed by multiple answer options. They must select all the correct answers from the options provided. This format assesses candidates' ability to identify multiple correct responses.

5. Select Missing Word

In this question type, candidates are presented with a passage with a blank space. They must select the correct word from a list of options to fill in the blank. This format evaluates candidates' vocabulary and understanding of context.

6. Highlight Correct Summary

After reading a passage, you will pick the summary that best captures what it is about.

PTE Reading Section - Exam Pattern

In the PTE exam, Part 3 assesses your PTE Reading skills. This section is a single-timed section with a total time allotted between 32 - 41 minutes.

PTE Reading Section Overview:

1. Multiple-choice, choose a single answer

-Task/Skills assessed: After reading the text, answer a multiple-choice question on the tone or content of the text by selecting one response.
-Word length: Text up to 110 words

2. Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers

-Task/Skills assessed: After reading the text, answer a multiple-choice question on the tone or content of the text by selecting more than one response.
-Word length: Text up to 300 words.

2. Re-order paragraphs

-Task/Skills assessed: Several text boxes appear on the screen in random order. Put the text boxes in the correct order.
-Word length: Text up to 150 words.

2.Reading: Fill in the blanks

-Task/Skills assessed: A text appears on the screen with several gaps. Drag words from the box below to fill the gaps.
-Word length: Text up to 80 words.

2.Reading and Writing: Fill in the blanks

-Task/Skills assessed: A text appears on the screen with several gaps. Fill in each gap from a drop-down list of response options.
-Word length: Text up to 300 words.

Understanding the order of tasks in the PTE Reading section helps you strategise your approach effectively during the exam.

What are the best PTE resources?

Looking for the best resources to excel in the PTE exam? When preparing for the PTE exam, it's essential to have access to high-quality resources that cater to your learning needs. Here are some of the best PTE resources to consider:

• Official PTE Practice Materials - The official PTE practice materials provided by Pearson are a reliable resource for understanding the exam format and practicing sample questions.

• Online Forums and Communities - Join online forums and communities where test-takers share their experiences, tips, and strategies for the PTE exam. This can provide valuable insights and support during your preparation journey.

• PTE Preparation Books - There are various books available in the market specifically for PTE preparation. Look for reputable publishers and authors known for their quality study materials.

• Language Learning Apps- Use language learning apps that offer PTE-specific content and exercises to improve your English language skills. These apps often provide interactive lessons and practice exercises to enhance your proficiency.

By combining these resources with the My Edtek Partner, you'll have a complete toolkit to prepare effectively for the PTE exam and achieve your expected score. Start your journey towards success today!


In conclusion, the PTE Reading section is crucial for success in the overall exam, and with the right approach, it is achievable. By understanding the question types, practising regularly, and utilising effective strategies like skimming, scanning, and focusing on keywords, you can improve your reading skills and performance. Additionally, familiarising yourself with the various question formats and utilising resources like My Edtek Partner App and other PTE-specific materials can further enhance your preparation. Remember to stay focused, manage your time wisely, and review your answers carefully before submitting them. With dedication, practice, and the right resources, you can confidently approach the PTE Reading section and achieve your desired results.

For more helpful tips on both IELTS and PTE, keep an eye on our blog. And don't forget to try your free mock tests.
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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

How can I improve my reading skills for PTE?

Improving reading skills for PTE involves focused practice and strategic approaches to comprehension.

• Practice daily to build reading speed and comprehension.
• Familiarize yourself with different question types.
• Use skimming and scanning techniques to locate key information.
• Focus on understanding the main idea and supporting details.
• Review and analyze your mistakes to learn from them.

How to score a 90 in PTE Reading?

Scoring 90 in the PTE Reading section requires consistent practice, strong reading comprehension skills, and effective time management.

What is the 3-second rule in PTE?

The 3-second rule in the PTE exam defines that test-takers must start speaking within 3 seconds upon hearing the prompt. This ensures that the microphone captures their entire response. Failure to begin speaking within this timeframe may result in the recording session ending, with the item's status being marked as "completed." It's crucial to adhere to this rule, as there won't be an opportunity to redo the recording.

How can I improve my PTE read-aloud fluency?

To enhance PTE read-aloud fluency, practice reading aloud regularly, focus on pronunciation and intonation, and pay attention to pacing and rhythm.

What is a one-line strategy in PTE?

The one-line strategy in PTE means condensing each paragraph or section of a passage into a single, short sentence. This helps test-takers understand and remember the main idea of the passage more easily. It's a simple way to break down complex information into manageable parts.

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